
如今,机构买家一直在购买房产,将其作为投资物业出租或转手. They may be corporations, shared equity ventures, rent-to-own programs, real estate owned/short-sale 买家, or instant 买家.

But whatever form they take, they love Texas. In 2021, 机构买家占德州房屋销售的28%, according to an NAR 研究 Group report from May, 机构买家对房屋销售和单户租赁的影响. 这是全国最高的比例,是全国平均水平13%的两倍多.

去年,在德克萨斯州一些较大的县,机构买家占买家总数的比例甚至更高. They’re in big metros like Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and Austin; suburbs; and even smaller markets.

作为一名2021十大正规彩票app专业人士,你可以从了解如何与这些独特的买家合作中受益. Read about what you need to know to thrive in this environment.